




Cases Nos 2177 and 2183 (Japan): Interim report
Complaints against the Government of Japan presented by the Japanese Trade
Union Confederation (JTUC–RENGO) (Case No. 2177) and the National
Confederation of Trade Unions (ZENROREN) (Case No. 2183).................................. 379–423
The Committee’s conclusions....................................................................................... 411–422
The Committee’s recommendations.............................................................................. 423


 Case No. 3051 (Japan)
44. The Committee last examined this case at its November 2015 meeting [see 376th Report, paras 586–704] when it requested the Government to keep it informed of the outcome of the legal actions still pending concerning Mr Kawagushi, as well as the cases for compensation filed by Mr Kitakubo and Mr Nakamoto.

45. In its communications dated 9 February and 19 December 2017, the Government informs that, upon appeal, the Osaka High Court found that the dismissals of Mr Kawagushi and others were lawful finding that the dismissals were due to the elimination of all bureaucratic positions at the Social Insurance Agency and it was not given cause to believe that the
disciplinary actions towards the plaintiffs were inappropriate, while observing that the union was provided with explanations about measures to avoid the dismissal. The plaintiffs appealed the ruling to the Supreme Court which dismissed the appeal on 21 November 2017, rendering all claims final.

46. The Committee notes this information and, given that there was no other pending request in this case, considers it closed.

